Bigfoot Porn Goes Political In Virginia

On November 6th, 2018, Denver Riggleman was elected by the good people of Virginia’s 5th District to the U.S. House of Representatives, despite his opponent, Lelsie Cockburn, revealing to the public that Riggleman is the author of a Bigfoot erotica book, The Mating Habits of Bigfoot an possibly dabbles in Bigfoot porn.

“My opponent Denver Riggleman, running mate of Corey Stewart, was caught on camera campaigning with a white supremacist,” Cockburn wrote on Twitter in July. “Now he has been exposed as a devotee of Bigfoot erotica. This is not what we need on Capitol Hill”

Riggleman claims the book is a “long-running prank” and quickly tried to distant himself from Bigfoot porn when this all surfaced in July.

Virginia’s 5th District is the largest in Virginia, with a population of over 730,000 spanning over 15 counties. BFRO lists a surprisingly low number (77) of sightings in Virginia, but as with all BFRO data, many factors can influence that. Virginia’s Bigfoot Conference was cancelled this year due to scheduling and venue issues.

So that brings us back to Bigfoot Porn, a very real thing, but honestly, without getting too far into Riggleman’s book, this does appear to be a joke.

If I was from Virginia’s 5th District I would be much more concerned with his ties to white supremacists.

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